
Throwing Muses
Kristin Hersh
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Guitar Tab (courtesy of Red Eyes)

- The Real Ramona, 1991
- Works In Progress 1, released 1998-1999
10-4 All (Kristin solo), 2008
- The Season Sessions: Spring, 2011
- Kristin's psychologist recommended to her that she get a huge mirror - whenever she began to "disappear" she should check the mirror to make sure she was still there and whenever she saw something in the room with her she should check the mirror to make sure it wasn't there.
"Ellen West was the pseudonym of a patient of 19th Century psychologist named Ludwig Binswanger whose problems seemed to us to be ahead of their time or maybe more accurately, timeless. This song went through many incarnations before it was finally realized on The Real Ramona."

"Ellen West"
(written by Kristin Hersh)

That last one messed me up
Things look bad, things look tragic
I keep looking in the mirror
Afraid that I won't be there
Courting Ellen West
Dancing on her grave
Saving Ellen West
My house is full of demons
I swear to god...
I need to go to bed
I need to go to sleep, I'm awake with a vengeance
Courting Ellen West
Dancing on her grave
Saving Ellen West
'Cause she wanted it this way
My mouth is full of demons
I swear to god...
I need to go to bed
I need to go to sleep
I need that hope chest
I need it to breathe
I need you here
I need to disappear

Don't worry, dance in the road.