Guitar Tab (courtesy of Red Eyes)
APPEARS ON: - The Grotto, 2003 - Instant Live: The Paradise, 2005 - Mississippi Candlelight, 2006 - 10-4 All, 2008 - Cats
And Mice, 2010
WORDS FROM KRISTIN: "There was this cool snake I found when my bus broke down and it was in the bus fix-it place. All there is to do around
the bus fix-it place is wander around in the empty lot next door, which is what I was doing, and I found a very wicked snake.
Looked like a rattlesnake without a rattle, but we have a rule in our family about picking up snakes without checking the
snake out with dad first. Apparently some of them kill you or something. So what I did was make a little garbage map pointing
to the snake, so that I could come back with everybody and we could all look at the cool snake, figuring that the snake had
nothing better to do than sit in my garbage map waiting for me to come back and poke at it. Apparently it didn't, 'cause it
was still there when we got back. But one of my children was afraid of snakes and I thought he needed to have a moment with
one, with a good one. And snakes can be bitchy, and bite and run away, and I don't, you know, want to call them on that or
anything, but some of them are nice to hang with. They wrap around your arm, and they look you in the eye, and when a snake
looks you in the eye it's not in a scary horse way, with his eyes rolled back in his head, and it's not in a freaky bird way,
switching his gaze, you know, from eye to eye. It's just, right on, like a penguin looks at you. And I wanted him to have
one of those, you know, penguin moments with a snake. And he did. And I wrote this."