Guitar Tab (courtesy of Red Eyes)
APPEARS ON: - The Grotto, 2003 - Instant Live: The Paradise, 2005 - Mississippi Candlelight, 2006
WORDS FROM KRISTIN: - "This is called "Vitamins V", for vodka and valium."
"This song is about New Orleans, or about some time we spent there. Throwing Muses made a lot of their records there. For
some reason I've always been under the impression that my songs come from either my left shin, or Providence, Rhode Island.
When I first started playing live, people kept talking about my left food and what it did while I played and I, uh, ignored
them for a long time and then saw footage of me playing and my foot was insane! I wasn't moving, but my leg was all twisted
up, like, you know, like a, like Barbie style, the way legs don't bend, and it was going apeshit! End of story. I was in a
car accident, and uh, got totally, just all fusted to smithereens. My face was gone, I slid on my face, flew over a car. I
had no face left, and an imprint of my glasses embedded in what was there. And uh, this woman, after the accident, leaned
over to help me and, um, neglected to move her mirrored sunglasses. I saw exactly what my meat face looked like. But, um,
the interesting thing is, my leg got just folded in half. So I lifted it up and there was no foot on the end. And I thought,
'I can't be in a band without a foot.' I don't even know why I thought that, of course course you can be in a band without
a foot. But that was my first thought, so I went and found it, and it was under my leg, and I kind of stuck it back on, but
because I had stuck it back on, this mirrored sunglasses woman, who was the mother of the stupidest girl in school, didn't
know that I'd broken my leg, and she took off my shoe. And that was it, for the rest of my life, my leg has been seriously
messed up. And it seemed to be where the songs were coming from. To make a short story long. And also Providence, Rhode Island.
So I can write a song about New Orleans, but it comes from Providence, Rhode Island. I can write a song about Joshua Tree,
but that also comes from Providence, Rhode Island, because my brain makes no sense."