Guitar Tab (courtesy of Red Eyes)
- The Real Ramona, 1991
- The Curse, 1992
- Live In Providence, recorded 1992, released 2001 - 10-4 All (Kristin solo), 2008 - Anthology, 2011
WORDS FROM KRISTIN: "It sounds kind of dreamlike. I started out writing from dreams when I was very young, because
that's an easy route to the unconscious. But it doesn't discern between the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious,
so you could be really into a song that speaks to you, but to nobody else, if you go that route. I find its better to keep
your dreams and empty out every bit of psycho garbage you've got to carry around with you, and then you can hear songs. By
the time I wrote "Two Step" I wasn't writing from dreams anymore, but it's a very similar state to be in – to be overdosed
on sleeping!"