This site is in no way directly affiliated with Kristin Hersh & co.
New Look! As you may have
already noticed, Hersh-Head has undergone a pretty massive overhaul in attempt to make the site a bit more user-friendly and
aesthetically pleasing. I hope you like it!
New Photos! A major part of Hersh-Head's new design was the complete overhaul of the photo
galleries. I'm happy to say that new photos have been added to each of the galleries, including some adorable ones from
the early Throwing Muses days.
New Lyrics! I am so proud to be able to say that lyric pages have been added for: - All of the songs
from the forthcoming Throwing Muses album - All of the songs from Kristin's last WIP series - Two just-released songs from Kristin's new WIP series
("Secret Codes" & "American Copper")
Literature! I have added a page called Literature, which will hopefully end up being a large
database of essays, articles and interviews about Kristin Hersh, Throwing Muses and 50FOOTWAVE or written by Kristin herself.
It's a bit meager at the moment but it will continue to be updated.
A Hersh-Head is a person
who avidly listens to the music of Kristin Hersh, Throwing Muses and 50FOOTWAVE. A Hersh-Head is someone who's head
is, more often than not, consumed with thoughts of Kristin Hersh's work. This site was created by a Hersh-Head for fellow
sure to take a moment to visit Kristin's official sites (links are on the "Links" page) and check out the "Get Involved!"
page, where you can find out how to become a part of Kristin's wonderful, supportive fan community.
Fellow Hersh-Heads are encouraged to contribute!
If you have any corrections
on lyrics, discographies, and so forth, please let me know so I can correct the problem ASAP - contributions will always be
credited. Please feel free to send me your photos, articles, anything Kristin Hersh related, and I will be more than
happy to put them up on the site. If you have your own Kristin Hersh, Throwing Muses or 50FOOTWAVE fan site, send me
a link and I will add it to my links page. And please - if you see a photo of yours on this site that is not credited
to you, I'm sure it was an unintentional oversight. Send me an email and I will resolve the issue right away. Any
other comments, questions, or criticisms are always welcome.
Big, fat, extra-special "Thanks!" to the following people:
Kristin Hersh &
Billy O'Connell for being two of the most wonderful humans to have ever existed (and for being so darn cute).
Marcel Haas (former
host of countingbackwards.com and gloryweed.com) for providing an unimaginable amount of help & support.
Timo Stey (host
of the Red Eyes tab site) for creating the only (incredibly accurate) Kristin Hersh tab site on the web and allowing me to
link to it from this site.
And, of course, thank
you for visiting!
Laura Elise
(halfbornhalfmade on
the message boards)

Laura Elise with Kristin |